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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Understanding on PLACE

When I heard that it is an 11-page-article, first came into my mind was, I could finish it in few hours time. But after I viewed it on my laptop, I found out that, even the first paragraph of words, I don’t even really understand. Oo..gosh..really makes me mad..somehow I still read it a few times to realize the idioms “practice makes perfect”, hope that I read more times will gain more naïve I am..huh?

Actually I didn’t post the critic on blog, the main reason is I don’t really understand what is the article trying to say? It is just like kind of philosophy which can’t be easily get understood. Until today in the lesson of Theories of Architecture, I got to know some…trying to understand while lecturer explaining. It was true that sometimes I was lack of O2…but I really get something in today’s lesson.

From what I understand through the article, the concept of place and of space is a system of spaces which is an adaptation to a given environment. This is the conclusion from Piaget,”...the universe is built up into an aggregate of permanent objects connected by causal relations that are independent of the subject and are placed in objective space and time.”

Today’s lecture showed me a clearer understand on the article which is shown in the formula below:

Existential space + Egocentric space = Place

Existential space consists of associations, memories, meanings and representation where as egocentric space has the issue of self-centered.

Nowadays, the world now is in egocentric space, becoming more self-centered which we are not willing to see this happen. But somehow, this is the fact, happening in the moment. Self-centered often exists in mobilized world which is full of technologies that claimed to be provide convenience to human. For example, FACEBOOK is the most popular term among the world. It is true that it brings convenience to human that each other can contact or for those old friends can keep in touch after a long of period. But somehow, it is lack of humane. During olden days, people used to send greeting by cards and face to face greet, but now? The people just sms or leave some “cold” expression of greeting words in FACEBOOK. Is this the way that people live? The world will be much less human touch.

For existential space, it can be defined as a place that appears the interaction between human beings which is full of humane from time to time. Among human beings, we have to communicate to each other, interact with each other to live a warm society. A real place needs the existence of popularity which is the interaction of human that is being focused since olden days. During some festivals, people visiting each others to celebrate. This is the proper way for people to live in a place. In Chinese, there is a phrase called “人间有情”, translated into English, it should be Heart of Gold. The community has a great need of Heart of Gold instead of those ruthless technologies that being developed till unlimited. For example, recently the mural wall of Pudu Jail is demolished yesterday. Although it is just a wall of a jail, from the outlook, it looks ruthless and crucial, however people are feeling sentimental because it is full of humanities and culture from 1895-2010. This is the humane that I meant.

The two spaces, existential space and egocentric space, these two things may have some contradiction in between, but somehow, it gives complementary to each other to create a PLACE. Neither one of them are not available to have a good place. With each passing day, the world now is keep on improving in technologies, at the same time, we can’t miss out the interaction between human in the community.


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